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Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Edge - In Class Written Response Assignment

Choose ONE of the following two assignments to complete.

Examine the following photograph and quote. Write a personal response to them. You may write either an essay OR you may write a creative response. Be sure to use a lot of DETAILS from the photograph and quote to support your response.

Assignment Option 1

"I wanted that extreme ruggedness - the almost overwhelming sense that this is big dangerous country...The only way for this to have credibility was to take it to a place that was really incredible and make it look like [Charles] and [Robert] were at the end of the earth."
-- The Edge director, Lee Tamahori

Assignment Option 2

Charles Morse: You know, I once read an interesting book which said that, uh, most people lost in the wilds, they, they die of shame.
Stephen: What?
Charles Morse: Yeah, see, they die of shame. "What did I do wrong? How could I have gotten myself into this?" And so they sit there and they... die. Because they didn't do the one thing that would save their lives.
Robert Green: And what is that, Charles?
Charles Morse: Thinking.